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B. Quick reference to CVS commands

This appendix describes how to invoke CVS, with references to where each command or feature is described in detail. For other references run the cvs --help command, or see Index.

A CVS command looks like:

cvs [ global_options ] command [ command_options ] [ command_args ]

Global options:


Specify legal CVSROOT directory (server only) (not in CVS 1.9 and older). See Setting up the server for password authentication.


Authenticate all communication (client only) (not in CVS 1.9 and older). See Global options.


Specify RCS location (CVS 1.9 and older). See Global options.

-d root

Specify the CVSROOT. See The Repository.

-e editor

Edit messages with editor. See Committing your changes.


Do not read the `~/.cvsrc' file. See Global options.


Print a help message. See Global options.


Do not log in `$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/history' file. See Global options.


Do not change any files. See Global options.


Be really quiet. See Global options.


Be somewhat quiet. See Global options.


Make new working files read-only. See Global options.

-s variable=value

Set a user variable. See Expansions in administrative files.

-T tempdir

Put temporary files in tempdir. See Global options.


Trace CVS execution. See Global options.


Display version and copyright information for CVS.


Make new working files read-write. See Global options.


Encrypt all communication (client only). See Global options.

-z gzip-level

Set the compression level (client only). See Global options.

Keyword expansion modes (see section Substitution modes):

-kkv  $Id: file1,v 1.1 1993/12/09 03:21:13 joe Exp $
-kkvl $Id: file1,v 1.1 1993/12/09 03:21:13 joe Exp harry $
-kk   $Id$
-kv   file1,v 1.1 1993/12/09 03:21:13 joe Exp
-ko   no expansion
-kb   no expansion, file is binary

Keywords (see section Keyword List):

$Author: joe $
$Date: 1993/12/09 03:21:13 $
$Header: /home/files/file1,v 1.1 1993/12/09 03:21:13 joe Exp harry $
$Id: file1,v 1.1 1993/12/09 03:21:13 joe Exp harry $
$Locker: harry $
$Name: snapshot_1_14 $
$RCSfile: file1,v $
$Revision: 1.1 $
$Source: /home/files/file1,v $
$State: Exp $
$Log: file1,v $
Revision 1.1  1993/12/09 03:30:17  joe
Initial revision

Commands, command options, and command arguments:

add [options] [files...]

Add a new file/directory. See Adding files to a directory.

-k kflag

Set keyword expansion.

-m msg

Set file description.

admin [options] [files...]

Administration of history files in the repository. See admin--Administration.


Set default branch. See Reverting to the latest vendor release.


Set comment leader.


Set keyword substitution. See Keyword substitution.


Lock revision rev, or latest revision.


Replace the log message of revision rev with msg.


Delete revisions from the repository. See admin options.


Run quietly; do not print diagnostics.


Set the state.


Set file description from standard input.


Set file description from file.


Set file description to string.


Unlock revision rev, or latest revision.

annotate [options] [files...]

Show last revision where each line was modified. See Annotate command.

-D date

Annotate the most recent revision no later than date. See Common command options.


Force annotation of binary files. (Without this option, binary files are skipped with a message.)


Use head revision if tag/date not found. See Common command options.


Local; run only in current working directory. See section Recursive behavior.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.

-r tag

Annotate revision tag. See Common command options.

checkout [options] modules...

Get a copy of the sources. See checkout--Check out sources for editing.


Reset any sticky tags/date/options. See Sticky tags and Keyword substitution.


Output the module database. See checkout options.

-D date

Check out revisions as of date (is sticky). See Common command options.

-d dir

Check out into dir. See checkout options.


Use head revision if tag/date not found. See Common command options.

-j rev

Merge in changes. See checkout options.

-k kflag

Use kflag keyword expansion. See Substitution modes.


Local; run only in current working directory. See section Recursive behavior.


Don't "shorten" module paths if -d specified. See checkout options.


Do not run module program (if any). See checkout options.


Prune empty directories. See Moving and renaming directories.


Check out files to standard output (avoids stickiness). See checkout options.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.

-r tag

Checkout revision tag (is sticky). See Common command options.


Like -c, but include module status. See checkout options.

commit [options] [files...]

Check changes into the repository. See commit--Check files into the repository.

-F file

Read log message from file. See commit options.


Force the file to be committed; disables recursion. See commit options.


Local; run only in current working directory. See Recursive behavior.

-m msg

Use msg as log message. See commit options.


Do not run module program (if any). See commit options.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.

-r rev

Commit to rev. See commit options.

diff [options] [files...]

Show differences between revisions. See diff--Show differences between revisions. In addition to the options shown below, accepts a wide variety of options to control output style, for example `-c' for context diffs.

-D date1

Diff revision for date against working file. See diff options.

-D date2

Diff rev1/date1 against date2. See diff options.


Local; run only in current working directory. See Recursive behavior.


Include diffs for added and removed files. See diff options.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.

-r rev1

Diff revision for rev1 against working file. See diff options.

-r rev2

Diff rev1/date1 against rev2. See diff options.

edit [options] [files...]

Get ready to edit a watched file. See How to edit a file which is being watched.

-a actions

Specify actions for temporary watch, where actions is edit, unedit, commit, all, or none. See How to edit a file which is being watched.


Local; run only in current working directory. See Recursive behavior.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.

editors [options] [files...]

See who is editing a watched file. See Information about who is watching and editing.


Local; run only in current working directory. See Recursive behavior.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.

export [options] modules...

Export files from CVS. See export--Export sources from CVS, similar to checkout.

-D date

Check out revisions as of date. See Common command options.

-d dir

Check out into dir. See export options.


Use head revision if tag/date not found. See Common command options.

-k kflag

Use kflag keyword expansion. See Substitution modes.


Local; run only in current working directory. See section Recursive behavior.


Don't "shorten" module paths if -d specified. See export options.


Do not run module program (if any). See export options.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.

-r tag

Checkout revision tag. See Common command options.

history [options] [files...]

Show repository access history. See history--Show status of files and users.


All users (default is self). See history options.

-b str

Back to record with str in module/file/repos field. See history options.


Report on committed (modified) files. See history options.

-D date

Since date. See history options.


Report on all record types. See history options.


Last modified (committed or modified report). See history options.

-m module

Report on module (repeatable). See history options.

-n module

In module. See history options.


Report on checked out modules. See history options.

-p repository

In repository. See history options.

-r rev

Since revision rev. See history options.


Produce report on all TAGs. See history options.

-t tag

Since tag record placed in history file (by anyone). See history options.

-u user

For user user (repeatable). See history options.


Working directory must match. See history options.

-x types

Report on types, one or more of TOEFWUPCGMAR. See history options.

-z zone

Output for time zone zone. See history options.

import [options] repository vendor-tag release-tags...

Import files into CVS, using vendor branches. See import--Import sources into CVS, using vendor branches.

-b bra

Import to vendor branch bra. See Multiple vendor branches.


Use the file's modification time as the time of import. See import options.

-k kflag

Set default keyword substitution mode. See import options.

-m msg

Use msg for log message. See import options.

-I ign

More files to ignore (! to reset). See import options.

-W spec

More wrappers. See import options.


Create a CVS repository if it doesn't exist. See Creating a repository.


Kerberos authenticated server. See Direct connection with kerberos.

log [options] [files...]

Print out history information for files. See log--Print out log information for files.


Only list revisions on the default branch. See log options.

-d dates

Specify dates (d1<d2 for range, d for latest before). See log options.


Only print header. See log options.


Local; run only in current working directory. See Recursive behavior.


Do not list tags. See log options.


Only print name of RCS file. See log options.


Only list revisions revs. See log options.

-s states

Only list revisions with specified states. See log options.


Only print header and descriptive text. See log options.


Only list revisions checked in by specified logins. See log options.


Prompt for password for authenticating server. See Using the client with password authentication.


Remove stored password for authenticating server. See Using the client with password authentication.


Password authenticated server. See Setting up the server for password authentication.

rannotate [options] [modules...]

Show last revision where each line was modified. See Annotate command.

-D date

Annotate the most recent revision no later than date. See Common command options.


Force annotation of binary files. (Without this option, binary files are skipped with a message.)


Use head revision if tag/date not found. See Common command options.


Local; run only in current working directory. See section Recursive behavior.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.

-r tag

Annotate revision tag. See Common command options.

rdiff [options] modules...

Show differences between releases. See rdiff--'patch' format diffs between releases.


Context diff output format (default). See rdiff options.

-D date

Select revisions based on date. See Common command options.


Use head revision if tag/date not found. See Common command options.


Local; run only in current working directory. See Recursive behavior.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.

-r rev

Select revisions based on rev. See Common command options.


Short patch - one liner per file. See rdiff options.


Top two diffs - last change made to the file. See diff options.


Unidiff output format. See rdiff options.

-V vers

Use RCS Version vers for keyword expansion (obsolete). See rdiff options.

release [options] directory

Indicate that a directory is no longer in use. See release--Indicate that a Module is no longer in use.


Delete the given directory. See release options.

remove [options] [files...]

Remove an entry from the repository. See Removing files.


Delete the file before removing it. See Removing files.


Local; run only in current working directory. See Recursive behavior.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.

rlog [options] [files...]

Print out history information for modules. See log--Print out log information for files.


Only list revisions on the default branch. See log options.

-d dates

Specify dates (d1<d2 for range, d for latest before). See log options.


Only print header. See log options.


Local; run only in current working directory. See Recursive behavior.


Do not list tags. See log options.


Only print name of RCS file. See log options.


Only list revisions revs. See log options.

-s states

Only list revisions with specified states. See log options.


Only print header and descriptive text. See log options.


Only list revisions checked in by specified logins. See log options.

rtag [options] tag modules...

Add a symbolic tag to a module. See Revisions and Branching and merging.


Clear tag from removed files that would not otherwise be tagged. See Tagging and adding and removing files.


Create a branch named tag. See Branching and merging.


Used in conjuntion with -F or -d, enables movement and deletion of branch tags. Use with extreme caution.

-D date

Tag revisions as of date. See Specifying what to tag by date or revision.


Delete tag. See Deleting, moving, and renaming tags.


Move tag if it already exists. See Deleting, moving, and renaming tags.


Force a head revision match if tag/date not found. See Specifying what to tag by date or revision.


Local; run only in current working directory. See Recursive behavior.


No execution of tag program. See Common command options.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.

-r rev

Tag existing tag rev. See Specifying what to tag by date or revision.


Rsh server. See Connecting with rsh.

status [options] files...

Display status information in a working directory. See File status.


Local; run only in current working directory. See Recursive behavior.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.


Include tag information for file. See Tags--Symbolic revisions.

tag [options] tag [files...]

Add a symbolic tag to checked out version of files. See Revisions and Branching and merging.


Create a branch named tag. See Branching and merging.


Check that working files are unmodified. See Specifying what to tag from the working directory.

-D date

Tag revisions as of date. See Specifying what to tag by date or revision.


Delete tag. See Deleting, moving, and renaming tags.


Move tag if it already exists. See Deleting, moving, and renaming tags.


Force a head revision match if tag/date not found. See Specifying what to tag by date or revision.


Local; run only in current working directory. See Recursive behavior.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.

-r rev

Tag existing tag rev. See Specifying what to tag by date or revision.

unedit [options] [files...]

Undo an edit command. See How to edit a file which is being watched.


Local; run only in current working directory. See Recursive behavior.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.

update [options] [files...]

Bring work tree in sync with repository. See update--Bring work tree in sync with repository.


Reset any sticky tags/date/options. See Sticky tags and Keyword substitution.


Overwrite locally modified files with clean copies from the repository (the modified file is saved in `.#file.revision', however).

-D date

Check out revisions as of date (is sticky). See Common command options.


Create directories. See update options.


Use head revision if tag/date not found. See Common command options.

-I ign

More files to ignore (! to reset). See import options.

-j rev

Merge in changes. See update options.

-k kflag

Use kflag keyword expansion. See Substitution modes.


Local; run only in current working directory. See section Recursive behavior.


Prune empty directories. See Moving and renaming directories.


Check out files to standard output (avoids stickiness). See update options.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.

-r tag

Checkout revision tag (is sticky). See Common command options.

-W spec

More wrappers. See import options.


Display the version of CVS being used. If the repository is remote, display both the client and server versions.

watch [on|off|add|remove] [options] [files...]

on/off: turn on/off read-only checkouts of files. See Telling CVS to watch certain files.

add/remove: add or remove notification on actions. See Telling CVS to notify you.

-a actions

Specify actions for temporary watch, where actions is edit, unedit, commit, all, or none. See How to edit a file which is being watched.


Local; run only in current working directory. See Recursive behavior.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.

watchers [options] [files...]

See who is watching a file. See Information about who is watching and editing.


Local; run only in current working directory. See Recursive behavior.


Operate recursively (default). See section Recursive behavior.

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