NCD Style Sheet Guide v6.0

+ Font Family (Font Face)

{font-family: # }
{font-family: #, #, ..., -- }
#=family name (Helvetica, Arial, etc.)
--=generic family (serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace)

<head><style type="text/css"><!--
font {font-family:Helvetica, 
      Arial, sans-serif}
<font size="4">
Today is fine. 
Today is fine.


Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.

+ Font Size

{font-size: # }
#=length (px, pt, in, cm,), %
#=xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large

Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.

#=smaller, larger

Today is fine.
Today is fine.

+ Font Weight

{font-weight: # }
#=normal, bold

Today is fine.
Today is fine.

#=bolder, lighter

Today is 
<font style="font-weight:bolder">
 fine. </font>
Today is fine.
<B>Today is 
<font style="font-weight:lighter">
 fine. </font></B>
Today is fine.

#=100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900

Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.

+ Font Style

{font-style: # }
#=normal, italic

Today is fine.
Today is fine.


Today is fine.

+ Font Variant

{font-variant: # }
#=normal, small-caps

<font style="font-style:small-caps">
Today is fine.
Hello. Today is fine.

+ Text Decoration

{text-decoration: #}
#=none, underline, line-through

Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.


Today is fine.


Today is fine.

Underline Position {text-underline-position: #}
#=above, below

Today is fine.


This property is optimized for Asian language (Japanese Sample).

+ Text Transform

{text-transform: #}
#=none, capitalize, uppercase, lowercase

Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.
Today is fine.

+ Spacing

Letter Spacing {letter-spacing: # }
#=normal, length (px, pt, in, cm, em)

<div style="letter-spacing:0.5em">
Today is fine.
Today is fine.

Word Spacing {word-spacing: # }
#=normal, length (px, pt, in, cm, em)

Internet Explorer Macintosh version 4.5 or later support word spacing.

<div style="word-spacing:10">
Today is fine.
Today is fine.

+ Font Grouping

{font: font-style font-variant font-wight
       font-size/line-height font-family}

<head><style type="text/css"><!--
     DIV {font: bold italic 18pt/24pt Arial, "Times New Roman"}
Today is fine.<br>
Tomorrow will be fine.<br>
And next day.... 
Today is fine.
Tomorrow will be fine.
And next day....

+ Font Embedding

@font-face {src: url(*)}

You can make embedding font data (.eot file) with Microsoft Weft.

<style type="text/css">
H1.embed   {font-family: Andes;
            font-size: 24pt}
@font-face {font-family: Andes;
            src: url(ANDES0.eot)}

<H1>Today is fine.</H1>
<H1 CLASS="embed">Today is fine.</H1>

Today is fine.

Today is fine.

Style Sheet Guide | HTML Design Guide
Basic | Selector | Cascading
Font | Text | List | Color & Background | Box | Table | Position & Format | Other|
Selector List | Property List

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